Researchers can request digital reproductions of document or books for the exclusive personal use and study, and in compliance with current legislation on copyright. The images are made in color and in jpeg format. The books and documents in a precarious state of conservation, can be excluded from reproduction at Director’s discretion.

Researchers are not allowed to take photographs of the documents and the books.

The request must be made by filling out the form, which can also be sent by letter or e-mail at:

If the researcher wish to publish the photographs he must present a written request to the Direction, pledging to deliver two copies of the publication

In the caption of the photo must be included this wording: “Courtesy of Archivio Storico/of Biblioteche of the Archdiocese of Udine”

Payment of digital images is anticipated and should be done by bank transfer to be addressed to:


Archivi Storici Diocesani di Udine, presso Unicredit Banca, via Vittorio Veneto, 20 – 33100 Udine; tax code 80013900305; VAT registration number 02946280308; bank account 20023468; CAB 12310; ABI 02008; BIC UNCRIT2BUN6; IBAN: IT20Y0200812310000020023468; BIC SWIFT UNCRITM1UN6


The expected time for delivery of the material is two weeks from confirmation of payment.

Price List

Request for personal study

Request for commercial use