The Library Bartolini is an autonomous library collection, and as such preserved and cataloged, with more than 11,000 volumes.
The Biblioteca Bartoliniana named after the man who conceived and composed it, its original owner, the bibliophile Udinese Antonio Bartolini. Bartolini was passionate and tenacious researcher of manuscripts and printed texts, also establishing a correspondence with the brilliant world of bibliophiles his contemporaries, among them the Milanese Gian Giacomo Trivulzio. The library markets that the bibliophile favored are those of northern Italy, Milan, Venice, but also those in Europe, such as Paris and Lyon.
Rare and priceless works came together to form what is a refined and erudite library, organized by disciplines, of which the most richly represented are the literary section, art history, archeology and bibliography. The notes that Antonio penned on guard sheet of books contain explicit references to the state of conservation and the types of bindings.
The library was donated to the Archdiocese by his brother Gregorio Bartolini in 1827. The donation official act established that it should be open to the public and that it remained an institution in its own right. And as such it presents itself in its present form.
Between 2005 and 2009, with the decisive contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Udine and Pordenone (now Fondazione Friuli) Biblioteca Bartoliniana has been completely reorganized and cataloged.