Biblioteca Capitolare



The Biblioteca Capitolare was founded for the needs of worship and for the education and recreation of the canons and has increased only by donations and bequests.

In it, therefore, it is mainly liturgical texts, theology, law and collections of sermons.

It has a consistency of about 3,500 volumes, with three incunabula.Currently it is divided into two parts:

Printed texts

The three main libraries donations received from the Biblioteca Capitolare are:

The library collection of the jurist Enrico Treo (sec. XVII) consisting of 261 composed of 261 editions of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, on rights and civil and ecclesiastical history and 8 manuscripts containing legal writings and sketches of geography and history.

The library collection of canon Biagio Masolini, who lived between the second half of the XVII century and the first three decades of the next century, which amounts to 123 texts of canon law and history.

The library collection of Pietro Braida (1751-1829), canon of Udine and the Archbishop’s Librarian, consists of 77 editions of theological and liturgical texts. It is due to canonical Braida the gift of rare incunabula: Breviarium Aquileiense, printed in Venice in 1481.
